The sport rules are modified from International Paralympic Committee competition rules and Move United Jr. Nationals event rules to suit the population and goals of Texas Parasport Games.
Due to having to reduce the number of athletes per target, we will ONLY be able to accommodate approximately 100 archers. We will be closing archery registration when we hit the maximum number of archers. Athletes will be accepted on a first come – first served basis.
72-Arrow Outdoor Round: The 2025 Texas Parasport Games Archery Competition will be conducted identical to the Move United National format which will include a 72-Arrow Outdoor Round competition for all the competitive distances (sanctioned through USA Archery) and it is a designated event for shooting the Para MQS U.S. Military standards and Move United National Qualification standards. To compete at a USA Archery sanctioned event all Archers must be a member of USA Archery. Proof of USA Archery membership will be required to shoot. You can join USA Archery with a full or temporary membership here.
Hartford Nationals Qualification: Athletes must hit a qualifying score of 100 or greater to compete at the Hartford Nationals. An athlete must qualify at the distance listed above for his/her age group and event. Check the Move United website for your shooting distance and target size for your classification & age.
Move United Junior Age Divisions
Age Group Recurve Compound/ W1 Barebow/Basic Visually Impaired Fixed Pins
Under 13 (Bowman) 30m 30m 30m 20m 30m
Under 15 (Cub) 40m 40m 30m 20m 40m
Under 18 (Cadet) 60m 50m 50m 30m 50m
Under 21 (Junior) 70m 50m 50m 30m 50m
Yeomen (Under 10) 15m 15m 15m 10m 15m
Move United Archery Rules: https://moveunitedsport.org/sport/archery.
Novice Rounds: Texas Parasport Games will also offer competition for novice athletes at 20-meter distance for both compound and recurve. The field of play will be separated from the sanctioned competition and will not be sanctioned by USA Archery.
Texas Parasport Games Competition Staff:
Roger Koss - Archery Sport Coordinator/Match Director
Texas Parasport Games Archery Competition Schedule
Competition Location: STARR Soccer Complex, 5103 David Edwards Dr. San Antonio, TX 78233
Thursday, April 24
1:00 pm-4:00 pm Archery Clinic
3:00-8:30 pm Archery athletes must come through Games check-in/packet pickup
@ Morgan's MAC Building, 5210 Thousand Oaks Drive, San Antonio
Friday, April 25
7:30 AM-11:30 AM Round 1: Archery Open Range/Competition/Awards STARR Soccer Complex
* 72 Arrow Round & Hartford Nationals Qualification Round
7:30 AM Equipment check by officials
Practice Ends
8:30 AM Competition begins
12:00-4:30 AM Round 2: Archery Open Range/ Competition/Awards STARR Soccer Complex
* Novice Athletes & Warrior Games Athletes
Note: Archery Awards with be given out after each round, 20 minutes after all score cards have been turned in.
We will offer advanced and intermediate/novice level competition as well as Jr National level (youth division) competition.
The competition is open to all abilities
There will be an Intermediate/Novice Compound and Recurve category for traditional athletes with PTSD and TBI who have no physical classifiable impairment
Physical disability classes will be separated by: W1, Open Compound and Open Recurve
We will place athletes into the appropriate divisions during the Games check-in/packet pickup (not an official classification)
Athletes will be awarded by classification divisions
Male and Female are combined and will compete together
Open Compound Bow (Para) – Advanced and Intermediate/Novice
Compound Bow-W1 (Para)– Advanced and Novice
Compound Bow Traditional –Intermediate/Novice Only
Open Recurve Bow (Para)- Advanced and Intermediate/Novice
Recurve Bow Traditional –Intermediate/Novice Only
NOTE: Each athlete is only allowed to enter one Archery event
Traditional: An athlete with no mobility impairment that would keep them from competing as a traditional standup archer, not a Paralympic classifiable athlete.
W1: Individuals who have both an upper body and a lower body limitation. They use a wheelchair for mobility and have some sort of function loss in their hands and/or arms. W1 archers shoot compound bows, but they cannot have peep sights or magnifying sights. There is a maximum weight of 45 pounds for men; 35 pounds for women.
Open Recurve: Individuals who have either an upper body or lower body limitation and choose to shoot a recurve bow.
Open Compound: Individuals who have either an upper body or lower body limitation and choose to shoot a compound bow.
Visually Impaired: Individuals that have impairment in their vision.
W2: Individuals who use a wheelchair for mobility and choose to shoot a recurve bow.
Competitive compound shooters (FITA Round) will shoot in accordance with their age/class​ on an individual 80 cm 6 ring target; competitive recurve shooters will shoot in accordance with their age/class on a 122 cm target. To get official FITA Round scores, you must be a member of USA Archery (see above).
W1 archers will shoot in accordance with their age/class on an individual 80 cm 10 ring target.
Competitive archers who are already classified will have to provide proof of classification during equipment check.
Intermediate/Novice shooters will all shoot at 20 meters. Recurve shooters will use an 80cm full face target; compound shooters will use a 80cm 5 ring face target.
The non-Para divisions (traditional division) will be male and female combined and will only have the intermediate/novice distance offered.
There will be 12 ends of six (6) arrows each for a total of 72 arrows. Four minutes will be allowed for each end.
Medals will be given in order of total points and classification divisions.
Athletes in the advanced division must have their own equipment (bow/arrows) to compete.
Athletes in the intermediate/novice division are highly encouraged to bring their own equipment, as we cannot guarantee you a bow that fits perfect or has the correct bow strength. Yes, we have a few bows and arrows available on a first come first serve basis.
Athletes that are classifiable for Para-Archery may achieve MQS standards at this event, provided they have competed in the advanced competitions at 50M and 70M.
Athletes competing in the non-Para Compound and Recurve category cannot be certified as meeting the Military standard as they are not classifiable.
Appropriate sportsmanship is expected of all participants at the Texas Parasport Games (competitors and staff). Violations, including but not limited to profanity and actions of disrespect by anyone, will result in loss of right to compete and removal from the Event.
All athletes and coaches must present a professional, athletic appearance while on the field. Torn, ripped or faded clothing articles are not allowed. Clothing may be any color.
No camo may be worn at target events. Accessories such as trim on shirts, caps, quivers, armguards, footwear, etc., are permitted to be camo.
Shorts, skorts and skirts must not be shorter than fingertip length while standing normally.
Men and women are required to wear upper garments covering the front and back of the body and covering the midriff when at full draw. Women's upper garments shall have a minimum strap of 3" or sleeves. Men's upper garments shall have short or long sleeves.
Sport/athletic shoes are required for all athletes and coaches during target events. Shoes must cover the entire foot.
At no time will any athlete or coach wear any article bearing any image or language to be considered offensive to others.
All athletes are encouraged to bring their own equipment (advanced athletes are required to provide their own equipment). Minimum of 8 identical arrows are required for each bow and arrow set.
If you utilize a bar stool or similar type equipment for balance and support, please provide your preferred support system.
It is recommended to bring a bow stand.
Make sure you have extra equipment, in the event of a broken string or a lost arm guard, release, etc.
If you utilize an adapted device to shoot, it is required that you provide that adapted equipment for yourself.
Medals will be given to the top three athletes in each division.
Male and Female athletes will compete together.
Divisions with only 1 athlete may be combined with another division, to foster competition.
Medal ceremonies will be conducted at the Archery venue immediately after the completion of each round.
For additional information contact: Roger Koss (Archery Sport Coordinator) at roger.j.koss@gmail.com