These sport rules are modified from the BIS competition rules to suit the
population and goals of Texas Parasport Games
Please note: The 2025 Texas Parasport Games are not a qualifying event for the
USA Boccia Nationals or other Paralympic sanctioned events
Boccia Competition
Texas Parasport Games Packet Pickup and Check-in
Thurs: 3-8:30 PM, Fri. 9-11:30 AM & 1:30-7:30 PM (All athletes must come through the TXPG check-in and packet pickup)
Sunday, April 27: Boccia Competition & Awards @ Morgans Wonderland Event Center (Gymnasium)
9:00AM – 3:00 PM
Boccia Venue
Morgan’s Wonderland Event Center
5223 David Edwards Dr.
San Antonio, Texas 78233
Disability/Classification Divisions
OPEN division: Athletes with no permanent physical disability or eligible diagnosis, those with lower limb impairment, or those with minimal arm impairment (these athletes will still compete in a seated position).
BC5-Throwers: Athletes who have physical arm impairments but can physically release the Boccia ball by throwing.
BC3-Ramp: Athletes with severe arm impairment who need to utilize a ramp to propel the ball.
Pending the number of registrations, divisions could change.
Boccia tournament balls and a limited number of ramps will be available to check out if you do not own a personal set.
The Boccia sport rules are modified from the Boccia International Sports Federation rules and regulations.
This is an individual only competition, no pairs.
Before the match, flip a coin. The winner chooses either red or blue-colored balls to play with, and the loser gets the remaining choice.
Start of the game: The red team will throw the white target ball (jack) onto the court.
The red team will follow their throw with a red-colored ball trying to get as close to the white target ball as possible.
Then the blue team will throw one or more balls to try and get closest to the white target ball. When a blue ball is closest to the jack, it is then the red team’s turn to throw. (Similar to golf, team furthest away from the target point throws.)
After all balls have been played in this rotation stated in rule 6, the score is determined based on the number of consecutive colored balls closest to the white target ball.
End 2 starts with the blue team throwing the target ball onto the court. Same rotation of turn is played as stated in rule 6.
There are 4 ends to a match.
Total all points from all 4 ends and the highest scoring points WINS!
Male and Female are combined and will compete together
Athletes must wear tennis shoes. No dress shoes or flip-flops are permitted.
Appropriate language is expected at all times. Athletes must respect the judges and competition as well as fellow competitors. Any athlete using profane language will be asked to leave the competition.
Medals will be given to the top three athletes in each division.
Male and Female athletes will be combined in this competition
Medal ceremonies will be conducted at the Boccia venue immediately after the completion of the competition
For Boccia Information contact: Brooke Matula at 210-336-4135 or bmatula@morganswonderland.com